Board of Trustees

Mehrere Personen in einem Raum an einem ovalen Tisch

A Board of Trustees with 14 members forms the board of the foundation.

Half of the 14-member Board of Trustees is appointed by each of the Foundation`s founders, i.e. the federal government and the state government of Lower Saxony. The term of office of the trustees is five years and can be extended once for another five years. The Board of Trustees is free in its decisions and bound only by our statutes.

Members of the Board of Trustees

 Mann im Portrait

Falko Mohrs
Minister for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
(Foto: Lydia Boenisch)

Portrait eines Mannes

Professor Dr. Hans Michael Heinig
(Vice Chairperson)
Chair for Public Law and Ecclesiastical Law, University of Göttingen

Illustration with an outline of a human portrait

Dr. Karl-Eugen Huthmacher
(Vice Chairperson)
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Portrait einer Frau

Professor Dr. Vanessa Miriam Carlow
Head of Institute for Sustainable Urbanism, TU Braunschweig

Portrait einer Frau

Professor Dr. Cornelia Denz
President of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, the National Metrology Institute of Germany; Professor of Experimental Physics and Gender Research in Physics

Portrait einer Frau

Professor Dr. Claudia Eckert
Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC); Chair of IT Security, Technical University of Munich

Portrait einer Frau

Professor Dr. Christine Falk
Director of the Institut for Transplantation Immunology, Hannover Medical School (MHH), Hannover

Portrait eines Mannes

Professor Dr. Jens Martin Gurr
Chair in British and Anglophone Literature and Culture at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Foto: Daniel Schumann/Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Portrait einer Frau

Elke Hannack
Vice President of the German Confederation of Trade Unions
(Foto: DGB/Simone M. Neumann)

Portrait eines Mannes

Professor Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff
Professor for Energy Informatics at the University of Oldenburg, Chairman of the Board of OFFIS e.V.

 Portrait eines Mannes

Prof. Dr. Jan Plefka
Theoretical Physics (Quantum Fields & Strings), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
(Foto: Jan Plefka)

Portrait eines Mannes

Thomas Schmall-von Westerholt
Member of the Board of Management Volkswagen AG, Technology

Portrait eines Mannes

Professor Dr. Peter Schrijver
Chair for Celtic languages and culture, Utrecht University

Portrait einer Frau

Professor Dr. Birgitta Wolff
Rectorate, University of Wuppertal
(Foto: Uwe Dettmar)