8 results

Story Feb. 21, 2023

Is it fair? Algorithms and asylum seekers

#Artificial Intelligence #Ethics in science
Story Is it fair? Algorithms and asylum seekers #Artificial Intelligence Feb. 28, 2023 Author: Isabel Fannrich-Lautenschläger Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Europe is experimenting with the application of …
Story Aug. 09, 2022

The challenge of dealing with colonial exhibits

#Ethics in science
Interview The challenge of dealing with colonial exhibits Aug. 09, 2022 Nicolaus Neumann Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Provenance research contributes towards a new understanding of collecting, …
Publication of the Foundation Jun. 28, 2022

Impulse Ausgabe 2022 (in German): "Was soll ich? Was darf ich?"

#Ethics in science
Publication of the Foundation Impulse 2022 (in German): "Was soll ich? Was darf ich?"  Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Impulse Ausgabe 2022 (in German): "Was soll ich? Was darf ich?" A magazine about …
Funding offer Feb. 14, 2022

Thematic Week: Ethics of Science. Current Challenges, Opportunities and Limitations (completed)

#Ethics in science
Thematic Week: Ethics of Science. Current Challenges, Opportunities and Limitations (completed) Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Objective Science and research are of central importance for modern societies …
Story Dec. 10, 2020

Robotics and elderly care: Machines that help in a humane way

#Ethics in science #Artificial Intelligence
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel Anja Stiehler Story Robotics and elderly care: Machines that help in a humane way Dec. 09, 2020 Judith Blage Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL What are the …
Story Jun. 02, 2020

When the black box talks to us

#Ethics in science #Artificial Intelligence
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel itestro - stock.adobe.com Story When the black box talks to us Jun. 02, 2020 Tim Schröder Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Thanks to increasingly sophisticated …
Story Feb. 03, 2020

Ethics for Nerds

#Ethics in science
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel Wikimedia Commons - public domain - Anonymous Story Ethics for Nerds Feb. 03, 2020 Christine Prußky Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Computer scientists tend to …
Interview Aug. 14, 2019

Why Robotics Needs Responsibility

#Artificial Intelligence #Ethics in science
Open copyright panel Close copyright panel grandfailure - stock.adobe.com Interview Why Robotics Needs Responsibility Aug. 14, 2019 Caroline Ring Home / Share Page Seite teilen Liste schließen Linked In Facebook E-Mail Copy URL Ethical aspects are rarely …