Foundation staff
At present some 115 people work directly for the Volkswagen Foundation – in the "Staff Divisions" of the Secretary General as well as in the departments "Funding", "Investment Management" and "Finance and Administration".
You can download our organisational chart via "Organigram (PDF, 103.1 KB)".
Christina Koch
Social Media ManagerTeam CommunicationsT +49 (0)511 8381-237
F +49 (0)511 8381-4237
Nora Kottmann
Program DirectorTeam Funding | Societal TransformationsT +49 (0)511 8381-234
F +49 (0)511 8381-4234
Kerstin Krüger
AssistantTeam Human ResourcesT +49 (0)511 8381-229
F +49 (0)511 8381-387
Claudia Kruse
AdministratorTeam Human ResourcesT +49 (0)511 8381-371
F +49 (0)511 8381-4371
Simone Künnecke
Project AdministrationTeam Funding | zukunft.niedersachenT +49 (0)511 8381-255
F +49 (0)511 8381-4255
Sybille Laas
AssistantTeam Investment ManagementT +49 (0)511 8381-352
F +49 (0)511 8381-238
Dieter Lehmann
Member of the Executive ManagementTeam Investment ManagementT +49 (0)511 8381-351
F +49 (0)511 8381-238
Melanie Lehmann
AccountingTeam Accounting and ControllingT +49 (0)511 8381-249
F +49 (0)511 8381-4249
Michael Maaß
Head of IT-DepartmentIT-DepartmentT +49 (0)511 8381-366
F +49 (0)511 8381-4366