Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future (completed)

Jonas Willingstorfer für VolkswagenStiftung
The initiative focuses on joint, integrative research approaches in the social sciences and the engineering sciences. Against the background of the current and emerging developments in the field of "Artificial Intelligence" the Foundation wishes to support projects dealing with the development of new perspectives and insights with a view to shaping the future of society as well as technology. The aim is to enable novel project constellations and interdisciplinary cooperations in a scientific and socially highly topical area through a shift in thinking towards new perspectives and solutions.
An essential challenge and at the same time a special opportunity for the participating disciplines lies in the joint development of a specific topic and the associated research issues as well as in the necessary expansion of the respective range of methods.
Scope of Funding
The funding initiative is aimed at researchers in the social and engineering sciences who devote themselves to the challenges of artificial intelligence and society in interdisciplinary research constellations.
Planning Grant
In view of the interdisciplinary cooperation and the associated challenges for the project partners involved, the Foundation has awarded 48 'planning grant' with a maximum funding amount of EUR 150,000. The support for this 'orientation phase' is intended to enable building an interdisicplinary team, finding a common language, identifying a connecting topic, as well as preparing and formulating a 'full grant' proposal. -
Funding of the Full Proposal (Full Grant)
For in-depth research on a topic developed by the consortium, up to five teamed-up working groups may apply for a total funding amount of maximum EUR 1.5 million for a duration of up to four years. The Foundation has awarded 21 such 'full grants'. -
A kick-off event took place in November 2019, a Herrenhausen conference on 'AI and the Future of Societies' in October 2022.
Details of requirements and the application procedure can be found under Information for Applicants 114 (pdf).
The funding initiative Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future was launched in November 2017.