• Fachveranstaltung
  • Symposium

04. Mär. 2025, 09:00 Uhr - 06. Mär. 2025, 18:00 Uhr

Myeloid Cells: Roles in Different Tissue Microenvironments (Keystone Symposia)

The interdisciplinary Keystone Symposium combines immunology, genomics and biophysics to open up new perspectives on the role of myeloid cells and promote innovative research collaborations. It will take place from March 4 to 6 in Hannover.

Myeloid cells are essential components of the innate immune system and play a key role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. We now have a good understanding of their development and diversity, as well as their distinct biological roles. However, how myeloid cell responses are shaped by the tissue microenvironment, including interaction with other cells, mechanics and osmotic influences in specific locations, remains less studied.

This meeting will address the different mechanisms underlying signaling, epigenetic, and metabolic adaptations of myeloid cells to their chemical and physical environment. It will bring new biochemical and biophysical concepts to the classical immunological and modern genomic views of myeloid cells.  Importantly, we will integrate these various aspects of how myeloid cells interact with their tissue environment, to unravel this complex relationship.

The meeting will bring together interdisciplinary groups of scientists who normally would attend more specialized meetings, to collectively integrate their knowledge and advance the field. To facilitate these cross-disciplinary interactions we will feature workshops and panel discussions on topics such as immune-mechano-sensing, which will engage attendees to think outside their typical siloes and integrate new perspectives.  Attendees of this meeting will form new conceptual views on the inter-connected life of myeloid cells in tissues, and develop new collaborations at the intersection of disciplines to advance their research, and the field.


The conference is jointly organized by Keystone Symposia and the Volkswagen Foundation. The Scientific Organizers are Priti Kumar (Yale School of Medicine, USA), Melanie Ott (Gladstone Institutes, USA), Olivier Schwartz (Institut Pasteur, France), and Alex Sigal (Africa Health Research Institute, South Africa).

Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Silverthorne, Colorado, USA that convenes open, peer-reviewed conferences across a broad range of the life sciences. The mission of Keystone Symposia is to serve as a catalyst for the advancement of biomedical and life sciences by connecting scientists within and across disciplines at conferences and workshops held at venues that create an environment conducive to information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications that benefit society. Approximately 50-60 conferences take place each year.


The conference language is English.


The conference is jointly organized by Keystone Symposia and the Volkswagen Foundation.


Conference Topics at a glance:

  • Myeloid Cells Through Life and Aging
  • Late Breaking Research
  • Myeloid Cells Beyond Macrophages: Granulocytes
  • Mechano-Sensing and Responses in Myeloid Cells in Tissues
  • Myeloid Cells in Human Tissue and Clinical Setting
  • Myeloid Cell Interaction with Stromal Cells in Health and Disease Tissue
  • Immune Mechano-Sensing in Tissues
  • Myeloid Cell Interaction with Pathogens and Microbiota
Detailed Program


If you want to attend the conference please register through Keystone Symposia's website.


Contact details of the Volkswagen Foundation: